Creation of 3D models of cultural artifacts: prospects and problems

M. S. Lyutaeva


The phenomenon of creating three-dimensional models of cultural artifacts using digital technologies such as digital photography, 3D scanning, 3D printing is currently gaining popularity and is used, among other things, in the cultural space. Using the example of two cases — the exhibitions “A Touching Story: Animals in the Carvings of White Stone Temples of Ancient Rus'” (Vladimir, Museum of Nature, April 2021) and “Dreams of Siberia” (Moscow, State Historical Museum, October 2022 — May 2023) the following issues are emphasized: actualization of semantic levels of cultural objects, transformation of medium and form, object and its context, communication through images and works of art, the phenomenon of entertainment and “substitution” of values, cultural objects in the context of digitalization. The spread of 3D technologies in museum practice actualizes the philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of communication in the field of art, its boundaries, potential and prospects.


3D technologies; digitalization of culture; digital technologies in the museum; art communication


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