Transformation of professional identity`s elements in the remote employment context

D. I. Vasilyeva


This article discusses the main elements of a person’s professional identity, external and internal factors influencing its formation and management. This form of identity represents an important integral characteristic of an individual in relation to a group of professionals, arising as a result of education and work processes. The article analyzes the relevance and transformation of professional identity elements throughout transition to a remote work format, as well as the use of information and communication tools as methods of developing employee`s commitment to the organization. Various theoretical approaches are considered that allow one to analyze the formation of identity within the remote work framework. For instance, the dramaturgical approach, which assumes that the individual plays a certain social role in the process of interaction with other people. In the remote employment context, the performance of an individual's role and communication are transferred to the online space, which leads to the emergence of uncertainties and trust issues in relation to the social role being performed. The social capital concept, a resource that represents the totality of an individual’s social connections, is also presented; what role these connections play in the professional identity formation is studied and how the social capital of an organization can be maintained when transitioning to a remote work format.


professional identity; virtual identity; commitment; remote employment; information technologies; social capital


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