The fusion of art and technology exploring the boundaries of new media aesthetics

W. Li


This article delves into the emergence of the fusion of art and technology, with a particular focus on the field of new media aesthetics. The traditional modes of artistic creation have been evolving, resulting in innovative and diverse forms of contemporary art. The historical background and significance of the integration of technology with artistic creation are discussed. The article highlights the impact of technology on modern art, and how it has gradually shaped the development and the future trajectory of contemporary art. The characteristics of new media art such as interactivity, digitisation, multimedia integration, immediacy, openness, and criticality are explained, with emphasis on new interactive art forms such as virtual reality and augmented reality. Furthermore, the paper underscores the importance of new media art for shaping contemporary art and providing immersive and diverse artistic experiences for the audience. It concludes that the integration of technology with artistic creation has transformed the relationship between the artwork and the audience and that new media art serves as a significant driving force in contemporary art expression.It concludes by highlighting new media art‘s significance in contemporary art, emphasising its potential to inspire reflection on human culture and enhance our understanding of contemporary art while transforming the relationship between the audience and the artwork.


convergence of art and technology; new media aesthetics; contemporary art; artistic innovation; virtual reality; augmented reality; interactive installations; multimedia integration; interactivity; innovation; digital technology; traditional art forms


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