Methodological potential of philosophical comparative studies in solving the problems of modern education
The article examines the methodological significance and perspective of using philosophical comparative studies for the philosophy of education and for solving the problems of modern education. An overview of domestic approaches to comparative research is given. The importance of the established scientific schools in this direction is shown. The place of philosophical comparative studies as a technology is revealed in the proposed multilevel research methodology. Its role turns out to be related to comparison techniques, comparative analysis techniques. Such techniques and techniques of comparison are highlighted as: a multilevel methodology for comparing or distinguishing levels and forms of comparison; a method of level understanding of the mutual influence of philosophical cultures; creation of a transcultural basis for comparing and understanding philosophical cultures and traditions; a logical and semantic approach; methodology of intercultural philosophy and dialogue of philosophical cultures; methodology of double perspective (double translation; methodology the study of national philosophy). These techniques are also applicable to the study of education as a complex socio-cultural phenomenon at the technological level. Comparison in solving philosophical problems of education has axiological significance, prognostic significance, applied significance, Comparison makes it possible to avoid the negative consequences of introducing someone else's experience in education. At the same time, the author concludes that the application of comparison in the philosophy of education allows to expand the research view of the world of education and go beyond the "Western orientation", showing the possibilities of other ways of thinking and cognition, to identify the relationship between global (universal) and local, Western and non-Western. Philosophical comparative studies has a high methodological potential for application in the study of philosophical problems of education in the context of regional and national philosophical discourse, rethinking and borrowing terminology, conceptual apparatus, comparing the concepts of education of Western European, Eastern, Russian, Latin American, African, Chinese, Japanese and other thought. In comparative studies, an educational idea can be understood and interpreted in the context of cross-cultural interaction.
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