To the question of the possibility and necessity of political education (based on the philosophical and pedagogical thought by I. Kant and his followers)

S. V. Shachin, A. Yu. Shachina


The article analyzes the theory of political education in the philosophical pedagogy by I. Kant and his follower. It implies the development of the ability to participate in reasonable discussions about the social ideal and ways to achieve it within the citizens of the rule of law. Further, these ideals are concretized through collective goal-setting at all levels, and then comes the process of goal-achievement based on democratic self-government. At the same time, the citizens of the state will consciously follow the principles of the social contract underlying the legal structure of the state, since they will perceive the state as the result of the activity of reason, and in turn will participate in this activity, enriching the content of the legal norms underlying the institutional system of their society. Freedom is possible in the form of mutual dependence and mutual understanding activities. Consequently, certain values cannot be instilled from the outside, but can only be the result of conscious intelligent work by the citizens of the state and an expression of the real experience of democratic self-government — the experience of realizing the ideals of reason in political reality. Members of the public from different countries will be able to mutually exchange their points of view by sharing the experience of the other about ourselves.


political education; democratic rule of law; morality; freedom; self-government


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