Dialogue of philosophical cultures: the time of modernity crisis and intercultural philosophy

N. S. Kirabaev


This article examines two interrelated issues: what does the crisis of «modernity» mean and what is intercultural philosophy. The crisis of modernity is associated with the crisis of globalization, which was considered a universal model of human development. One of the factors that determined globalization was the model of “two-way movement” of people, goods, services, and capital. However, these hopes did not come true. It was the migration crisis that destroyed the policy of multiculturalism in Europe. The policy of integrating migrants into European culture and the labor market failed. The systemic crisis of 2008–2009 showed that we suddenly found ourselves in an unfamiliar world and cannot even navigate it. I. Wallerstein showed that the «end» has come not only to the familiar world of capitalism, but also to the «end» of our knowledge of this world. Numerous political, economic, sociological, and philosophical theories claiming universality have shown their inconsistency. At the same time, attempts to overcome the philosophical discourse of modernity continue. The article emphasizes that, when correlating globalization and culture, it is necessary to consider that globalization cannot become a single cultural phenomenon based on convergence and transformation based on a common set of cultural values. The socio-cultural peculiarity of the search for identity can be explained through the peculiarity of modern pluralism. It is important to keep in mind that cultural identity should allow diversity and pluralism to become a strength, not a weakness, a means of cooperation, not a reason for conflict. It is respect for the other (difference) as a desire to seek justice, and the focus on unity is associated with the idea of social solidarity, which allows solidarity societies to overcome the contradiction of private interest and public good. Justice will be determined by attention to the differences in history, religion, lifestyle of individuals and social groups that make up a common social space. Interculturality and post-globalization as processes can be perceived as interconnected and interdependent, that is, these are two ways or paths that construct reality or create a real world that determine the vision of the present and future of our era. Intercultural philosophy helps «restore memory from the inconvenience of imposing a certain civilizational model». Interculturality means the need to break down the boundaries created by the monocultural structures of traditional philosophy. It is driven by the desire to «open» philosophy to other knowledge in addition to the European model, to hear the voices and opinions of other traditions to fundamentally change philosophy as a science. The domestic school of Professor A.S Kolesnikov (Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University) is noted, within the framework of which he himself and his colleagues for more than 30 years have made a huge contribution to the understanding of what philosophical comparative studies and intercultural philosophy are.


intercultural philosophy; comparative philosophical studies; globalization; crisis of “modernity”; Interculturalism and post-globalization; dialogue of cultures; dialogue of civilizations; solidarity; cultural identity; pluralism; multiculturalism; differ


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2024-61-83-96


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