Dreon R. Shared Aesthetic Starting Points? Evolutionary Aesthetics from a Cultural-Naturalistic Perspective
Are there any theoretical resources—conceptual, lexical, or argumentative—in interdisciplinary debates about the evolutionary origins of art that can help us move beyond the traditional autonomist concept of art toward a more continuist and inclusive interpretation of human artistic practices? The article explores the different voices in the debate against the backdrop of a cultural naturalist position inspired by John Dewey, by focusing on those contributions that can be interpreted in non-reductionist, anti-foundationalist and pluralist terms. What is particularly valuable are positions that emphasize the factual, communicative dimension of the articulation of behavior in connection with the acute structural impact of human organisms on their natural and naturally social environment.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31312/2310-1245-2024-62-151-178
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