В. П. Мурадов


The article is dedicated to the consideration of russian emigrant’s problems in the process of inclusion in cultural area of Germany. The author tried to analyse types of migrant’s self-identification and their behavior. Researching the role of inner structures, the author came to the conclusion that it is not necessary to appeal to them due to their ability to cause integration problems.


emigration, self-identification, german culture, resettler, cultural dialogue, inner structures, accepting community


Савоскул М. Российские немцы в Германии: интеграция и типы этнической

идентификации. М.: Демоскоп, 2006. № 243–244. 32 с.

Dietz В., Hilkes Р. Integriert oder isoliert? Zur Situation rußlandeutscher

Aussiedler in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, 1994. 128 s.

Dietz B. Ethnic German Immigration from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet

Union to Germany // IZA Discussion Paper. 1999. No. 68. 16 s.

Rasner Т. Sprache und Integration russlanddeutscher Aussiedlerjugendlicher.

Jyvaeskylae, 2002. 179 s.

Tra n s l i t

Savoskul M. Rossijskie nemcy v Germanii: integracija i tipy jetnicheskoj identifikacii.

Moscow: Demoskop, 2006. № 243–244. 32 s.

Dietz В., Hilkes Р. Integriert oder isoliert? Zur Situation rußlandeutscher Aussiedler

in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. München, 1994. 128 s.

Dietz B. Ethnic German Immigration from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet

Union to Germany // IZA Discussion Paper. 1999. No. 68. 16 s.

Rasner Т. Sprache und Integration russlanddeutscher Aussiedlerjugendlicher. Jyvaeskylae,

179 s.


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