Л. А. Орнатская, И. А. Тульпе


The article reveals the concept of «Islamic art». The term was introduced in the late 19th century by Western art historians who recorded the peculiarities of the relationship of Islam as a monotheistic religion to the portrayal (image) and resulting from it the speci-ficity of Islamic art in which aniconism is «compensated» in the pattern in different me-dia. The art is called Islamic as directly connected with both religion and a secular art. The article concludes that the concept is still uncertain and requires further consideration. The necessity of culturological approach is well substantiated in considering the phe-nomenon of Islamic art in the context of the formation of the Islamic world as a whole taking into consideration those cultural interactions and transformations that have defined its specificity. The main problems of the study of the formation of Islamic art re-quiring such an approach are identified.


Islam; Islamic art; Islamic culture; dialogue of cultures


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