This review presents the most important publications, theories and reflections of contemporary Italian philosophers and sociologists who consider the memory of generation and issues of conservation and translation of the collective memory in modern culture as an object. U. Eco, G. Agamben, M. Ferraris, T. Andina, P. Rossi, E. Esposito, U. Galimberti are among those Italian thinkers of XXI century who are interested in reception of collective memory. Reviewed publications propose different approaches to the analysis of mechanisms of memory functioning such as ontological, sociological, and humanitarian approaches. The review includes the consideration of the following concepts: memory conversion; value of «organic» memory for generations; documentality and «traces» of memory in social ontology; transgenerationality, power and memory; the «theatre» of memory; «operational» memory of society; the cyclism of a history and memory.
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