In the article parallels are assumed between different ideas of classic domestic thinkers on humor and laughter, on the one hand, and research directions of modern humor psychology, on the other hand. In particular, conceptions of «positive» and «negative» humor styles are regarded, cognitive and emotional aspects of humor, distinction between humorous and other kinds of laughter. It is shown how the problems of correlation between humor, shame and fear, laughing person’s position inside or outside the laughter, are investigated in modern personality psychology and clinical psychology. The problem of correlation between wit and creativity is put into the context of empirical studies of humor in gifted people.
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Ivanova A., Stefanenko E., Enikolopov S. Gelotophobia in structure of mental illness. Paper presented at the 20th annual conference of the International Society for Humor Studies. Alcalá de Henares, Spain.- 7-11 July 2008.
Ivanova A., Stefanenko E., Enikolopov S., Proyer R.T., Ruch W. The fear of being laughed at in healthy people and psychiatric patients. Assessing gelotophobia in Russia // Bridging Eastern and Western Psychiatry.-2012.- Vol. VIII.- N.1.-R. 10-17.
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Proyer R.T. et al. Breaking ground in cross-cultural research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia): A multinational study involving 73 countries // Humor: International Journal of Humor Research.-2009.- 22-1/2.- P. 253-279.
Proyer R.T., Ruch W. Enjoying and fearing laughter: Personality characteristics of gelotophobes, gelotophiles, and katagelasticists //Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling.-2010.- 52(2).- P. 148-160.
Ruch W. Assessment of appreciation of humor: Studies with the 3 WD humor test. / J.N. Butcher, C.D. Spielberger (eds.) Advances in Personality Assessment.- Hillsdale. NJ: Erlbaum.- 1992.- Vol. 9.- P. 27-75.
Ruch W. Exhilaration and Humor / M. Lewis, J. M. Haviland (eds.) Handbook of Emotions.- N.-Y., London.- 1993.-P. 605-615.
Ruch W. Fearing humor? Gelotophobia: The fear of being laughed at Introduction and overview // Humor: International Journal of Humor Research.-2009.- 22-1/2.- P. 1-26.
Ruch W., Köhler G. A temperament approach to humor / In W. Ruch (ed.) The sense of humor: Explorations of a personality characteristic. Berlin. Germany: Mouton de Gruyter.-2007.- P.203-230.
Suls J. M. Cognitive processes in humor appreciation / In P.E. McGee, J. Goldstein (eds.) Handbook of humor research: Basic issues.- NY.-1983.-Vol. 1.- P. 39-57.
The Use of Humor in Psychotherapy.- Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson. H.S. Strean (ed.).-1994.
Titze M. Gelotophobia: The fear of being laughed at. // Humor: International Journal of Humor Research.-2009.-22-1/2.- P. 27-48.
Wyer R. S., Collins J. E. A Theory of Humor Elicitation // Psychological Review October.- 1992.-Vol. 99.-N4.- P. 663-688.
Ziv A. Using humor to develop creative thinking / In P. E. McGhee (ed.) Humor and Children’s Development: A Guide to Practical Applications.-New York: Haworth.-1989.
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