T. Tambassi/Т. Тамбасси, translation/перевод А. Noskov/А. Носков


The notion of boundaries is one of the main philosophical questions that is arising necessary in the interpretation of geography from a geo- ontological point of view, and its relevance to contemporary discussions has been emphasized and studied by various authors. But what kind of objects are geographic boundaries? What kind of borders were defined by modern ontologists of geography? How can boundaries be categorized from a geo-ontological point of view? What are the main modern classifications of geographical boundaries? How can culture and human beliefs influence such classifications? These questions represent a starting point in this paper aimed at examining how the concept of boundaries is defined by modern ontologists of geography, how types of geographical boundaries have been identified and classified, and the influence of cultural differences and human beliefs on such geo- ontological classifications. First, we will rely on the taxonomy of B. Smith and E. Galton, who offer the most cited complex classifications of geographical boundaries covering physical, biological, psychological, social and political phenomena. Secondly, we will discuss the importance of cultural differences and human beliefs for geo-ontological classification based on the considerations of  B. Smith and D.M. Mark.


вorders; geography; ontology; classifications; cultural differences



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