The article deals with a number of problems that allow us to talk about the possibility of a new epistemological and sociocultural discourse - the symbolic archeology of the body. The openness of the human world, its symbolic and semantic horizon is largely determined bodily and in this sense the world can be spoken not so much in the critical-theoretical as in the affective-emotional and inter-perceptive mode. The world as a continuation of the view gives way, according to D. de Kerkhof, to the world as a continuation of the skin, the body here is not the boundary of the world in terms of the external artificial limitation of the human spirit, but the condition for collecting the spirit, consciousness, reason, bringing it to the limit and turning to oneself; The condition of self-understanding, which, as in ancient mystical practices, begins with the ability to orientate in one's own body, and ends with the understanding of the body as a clever image of the whole-the microcosm that makes the macrocosm lived, understood, human-sized. The human body as a model of epistemological and sociocultural discourse gives him the ability to understand situations from within, through emotional living, cognition here is both experience and living. Those. Somatic epistemology is an understanding of reality, not from outside as an objectively opposing, emotionally alienated material something, but from within this very reality, in a living emotional-corporal rebellion in it; The instrument of cognition (means) here is the semantic environment (reality itself), and the degree of understanding does not depend on removal, but on living penetration into this environment. Nevertheless, the physical body of a person can be thought of as an arena for the struggle of symbolic models of corporeality, and its history as a history of repression, devastation, oblivion of once dominant bodily techniques. The elucidation of the functioning of the hidden semiotics of the body allows us to come closer to understanding ourselves in our everyday life.
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