S. A. Troitskiy/С. А. Троицкий


The article attempts to reveal the cultural trauma through the concept of «loss» which allows us to consider the cultural trauma using functional universalization of values. Term «loss» is more universal term, it consists of both trauma and sacrifice. Sacrifice involves the recognition of transience. In opposite of it, trauma actualized by impossibility of accepting of loss. Trauma does not allow to abandon the traumatic feeling of reality, which employs mechanisms of historical or personal memory. They are based on the construction of past time and lost space. Any loss (both trauma and sacrifice) expands historically, i.e. narrative. The loss itself is neutral and its expanding depends on the chosen vector of the design (as a sacrifice, or as a trauma), it depends on which elements are enhanced and which ones are alienated (excluded) in the process of actualization. Given all this, it can be argued loss has constructive character. There is own syntax into the basis of each concrete loss construct.


trauma; sacrifice; loss; topographic hierarchy; Center; periphery; deactualization; cultural exclusion zones; neurosis; documentality; construct


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