S. A. Dzikevich / С. А. Дзикевич, E. A. Dzikevich / Е. А. Дзикевич


In this article psychical distance as one of key problems of aesthetic discourse on perception is newly revised. To make clear the theoretical disposition of the problem the authors rethink the parameters of the first instrumental usage of this concept and the following discussion concerned with it. Special attention of the authors is paid to transformations of the content associated with the concept of psychical distance and of relation to this element of aesthetic perception that are provoked by changes in the mode of artistic contacts with the public which contemporary artists prefer to use in their work. The concrete materials for analysis of these changes was found by the authors in history of contemporary theatre starting from the early experiments of the end of 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries and finishing on the current theatre scenes.


psychical distance; E.Ballow; G.Dickie; institutional theory of art; contemporary art; contemporary art process


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