In the context of the expansion of the «esthetesphere culture» (MS Kagan) for the aesthetics of the third millennium, there is a need for a methodology aimed at studying the projective direction of art that interacts internally with modern culture and directly influences its prospects. The projective dominant of cultural studies, which becomes the subject of cultural studies, isolated from the system of cultural sciences by M. Epstein, determines the necessity and possibility of aesthetics of projectivism. An article is devoted to the study of the features and possibilities of aesthetics of projectivism in relation to contemporary art. Interacting with the developing practical aesthetics - enviromental and urbanistic - the aesthetics of projectivism allows to include in the philosophical discourse the environment and cities with spaces where actual art practices work. Art practices, which form the basis of urban art, create opportunities for rethinking modern cities and form their socio-cultural perspective. As an example, art practices of Ekaterinburg are considered in the article.
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