M.S. Kagan implemented ideas and principles of unifying structural and historical approaches to aesthetics in his monography «Morphology of Art», which unravels basic laws of how different kinds, types and genres of art interact and form into a system. In 1990-s M.S.Kagan shaped a morphological picture of how artistic forms develop from historical angle, based on methodology of synergy, which maintains that development of complex systems is based on dialectics of chaos and harmony, goal-oriented and not cause-oriented determination. Dynamics in morphology of art is determined by search for means of expressing contents of new subject in social and cultural world. Kagan points out a tendency for interpenetration of previously differentiated systems of form-creation and as a result new mixed forms of artistic practice are made. In post-modernistic art, intuition of new integrity follows in a direction of contingency of artistic codes, reevaluation of existent grammars, bringing them closer to dialog as a path to interpenetration. That way, study of morphological system of art as open to development of new form-creation synthesizes becomes an ever-present idea of Kagan.
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