B. I. Zagumyonnov /Б. И. Загуменнов


The ideal and goal of human cognition is adequate understanding of reality, of things as they really exist. However, pre-condition of any cognition is EXISTENCE of things. What is the existence?... The means of cognition are perception, thinking, accumulated knowledge and super-rational experience (samadhi). Accordingly: the levels of reality are (1) ordinary (the sphere of subject-object relations) and (2) ultimate reality (paramartha). The obstacles on the way of cognition are ignorance (the absence of knowledge) and delusions, «perversions», i. e. mental structures that not correspond to reality. For the sake of real cognition, we must recognize delusions and misconceptions by means of self-knowledge and self-observation. 


illusion; misconception; reality; existence; cognition; ignorance; self-knowledge; self-observation


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