А. М. Alekseev-Apraksin / А. М. Алексеев-Апраксин


This article, a kind of report on the IV International Interdisciplinary Symposium «W(est) -E(ast): In Cross-Cultural Studies», held on October 21, 2017 in the conference room of the Institute of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University. It describes the conceptual foundations of the symposium, as well as the subject of reports and projects presented by researchers and practitioners of intercultural interactions.


East-West; cross-cultural interaction and research


D. Spivak Dialogue and Heritage in the Cultural Strategy of UNESCO // Culture and Dialogue № 5 (2017) P. 242-252

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Смертин Ю. Г. Синтез художественных традиций Европы и Китая // Studia Culturae №29 (2016) С. 177-186


D. Spivak Dialogue and Heritage in the Cultural Strategy of UNESCO // Culture and Dialogue № 5 (2017) P. 242-252

Larionov I.Y. Sokolov B.G. Myslit' (So)vremennost'. Blok «Z»: Zona soznaniya. – SPb.: Izdatel'stvo RHGA, 2017. – 296 p.

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Smertin U. G. Synthesis of art traditions of Europe and China // Studia Culturae №29 (2016) P. 177-186


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