A. V. Smirnov / А.В. Смирнов


The main goal of the article is to justify the application of new forms of museum work related to modern humanities. The emergence of new trends in the art theory in the second half of the XXth century leads to a change in the knowledge represented by the art museum. Traditional art history does not always solve the task of creating the knowledge necessary for a visitor to a modern art museum.The article establishes a contradiction between the scientific and educational tasks of the art museum activity, gives a number of examples of changes, both in science and in the exposition practice of modern Russian museums. As one of the possible ways of introducing a new scientific method, semiotics is considered, the methods of which are successfully applied in the modern theory of literature. The article presents examples of the application of semiotics to the study of painting and justifies the application of its results in the museum exhibition. An analogy is also established between scientific and popular science literature, on the one hand, and two forms of museum exhibition.


modern museum; exposition methods; museum studies; semiotics; visual studies; culture of everyday life; cultural studies


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