I. B. Hmyrova-Pruel / И. Б. Хмырова-Пруель, E. M. Sakseeva/ Е.М. Саксеева


The romanticism Era which arose at the end of XVIII – the first quarter of the 19th century incorporated the most various lines of the previous directions. However developed new socially-historical circumstances in society exerted impact not only on culture in general, but also on separate genres of art, for example on musical and theatrical. Biedermeier - style or an era in Romanticism? An era Biedermeier in Germany coincided with the beginning of industrialization and the related unemployment that affected social disorder of many people. Therefore the person sought to avoid these tests of life, he sought to move away to the cozy world - the world Biedermeier. Especially it was reflected in literature and musical theater. The musical dramatized representation was ready for creation of cozy space which should not hurry to be left …


Romanticism era; Biedermeier; style; theater; music; German opera


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