The article is focused on a detail research of an attitude of outstanding chinese marxist academician Guo Moruo, who was an author of many scientific and artistic works, towards confucianism. Firstly, the author characterises the period of decline of the Qing dynasty 清 in China; the characteristics of confucian ideology of the first decade of the 20-tth century, when Guo Moruo grew up, is given. The influence of confucianism on young Guo Moruo’s outlook, is explained. Further, the author characterises the revolutonarly period of 1908-1911, 1915 in China, as well, characteristics of «the May 4th» movement, is given. In 1923 Guo Moruo, who was a young poet, publishes his poetic collection «Juan er 卷耳», which has been unknown in russian cynology. The author gives a detail characteristic on this collection, where in the foreword Guo Muoruo describes his negative attitude towards confucianism. This attitude is carefully researched by the author. As a communist, Guo Moruo could not deny studying the confucian legacy. In 1928 he enters the Chinese Communist party, which gains power in China in 1949; and in 1961, a genuine communist Guo Moruo publishes his work, where respectfully characterises Confucius; this characteristics is carefully researched by the author. The author justifies an ambivalence of Guo Moruo’s attitude on confucianism. Finally, the author also characterises the period of Mao Zedong’s fight against Confucius in 1970s. Also, the author shows, that Guo Moruo, who always appreciated confucian canons, became a communist and then endoursed Mao Zedong, who is blamed to be a causer of death of tens of millions of chinese people, who Guo Moruo always wanted to set free.
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