
Research on «the Russian idea» has been done mostly at a philosophical level, because «the Russian idea» was, and remains an expression of Russian national spirit and national will. The Russian thinkers put stress on the fact that the Russian nation is a chosen nation by using such political and religious discourse as «Moscow is the Third Rome», while the Russian litterateurs indicated this attitude between the lines in literary texts. Nonetheless, no matter in what text «the Russian idea» is reflected, it cannot be torn away from the pre-logic related to language, viz, it cannot isolate itself from the Greek philosophical genes which is inherent. When the noun «idea» collocates with the adjective «Russian», what we derive is not a simple phrase but a code name for Russian philosophy. In this case, it is only when we make an in-depth exploration into «the Russian idea» from the perspective of language that can we decode the philosophical connotation of this concept.


Russian idea, language dimension, couch of god


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