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Овчинникова, Е. А., Saint-Petersburg State University
Овшинов, А. Н., Kalmyk State University (Russian Federation)
Одончимэг, Т. (Mongolia)
Окорокова, А. (Russian Federation)
Орлова, Н. Х. (Russian Federation)
Орнатская, Л. А.
Орнатский, В. Б.
Орнацкая, Л. А. (Russian Federation)
Осика, Ю. Л.
Осипов, И. Д.
Очеретяный, К. А., St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Очеретяный, К. А., Saint-Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Очеретяный / K.A. Ocheretyany, K. А., St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Панченко, А. Б. (Russian Federation)
Партаненко, Т. В.
Паткуль, А. Б.
Паштекова, М., Assistant Professor, Division of Visual and Cultural Studies, AFAD Research Centre, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Slovakia)
Пелевин, М. С.
Петрова, Л. А. (Russian Federation)
Петрова, М. П. (Russian Federation)
Пешперова, И. Ю.
Пешперова / I.YU. Peshperova, И. Ю., North-West Institute of Management - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Russian Federation)
Пирни, А., Institute DIRPOLIS (law, politics and develop-ment) of the Higher School of St. Anne (Italy)
776 - 800 of 1032 Items << < 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 > >>
ISSN: 2310-1245