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Соколов, Б. Г., St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Соколов, Б. Г.
Соколов, Борис Георгиевич (Russian Federation)
Соколов, Борис Георгевич (Russian Federation)
Соколов, Е. Г., St. Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Соколов, Е. Г., St Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Соколов, Е. Г. (Russian Federation)
Соколов, Е. Г.
Соколов, Евгений Георгевич (Russian Federation)
Соколов / B. G. Sokolov, Б. Г., Saint-Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Соколов / B.G. Sokolov, Б. Г., St.-Petersburg State University (Russian Federation)
Соколова, Е. Ю., MRC CP nam. S. S. Mnukhin (Russian Federation)
Соколова, И. А. (Russian Federation)
Соловьев, А. В.
Солонин, Ю. Н.
Солонько, Л. А. (Ukraine)
Сорокина, В. Н. (Russian Federation)
Сорокина, В. Н.
Сосна, Н. Н., Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Russian Federation)
Спивак, В. И., Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen (Russian Federation)
Спивак, В. И., Russian State Pedogogical University named after A. I. Herzen (Russian Federation)
СТЕПАНОВА / А. S. STEPANOVA, А. С., PhD (Philology), Head of the Department of Classical Literature Azbooka-Atticus Publishing Group Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Стеценко, Л. Л. (Ukraine)
Столяр, М. Б., Chernihiv T. G. Shevchenko National Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
901 - 925 of 1032 Items << < 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 > >>
ISSN: 2310-1245